Sat next to you on the couches upstairs at Berghain, you asked for a lighter. Chatted about your 1st time there and shared conversation. You're from London, in town for a friend's wedding, me from the states. You had a warm…
I was on the train and sitting in the seat across from you. (Opposite an older guy - who is my Dad by the way! 😂) You were tall with long dark hair tied back, wearing dark clothes and on your phone. You had a hoodie with 1936…
i was looking for a table seat on the train- i could see you taking out your earphones and subtly listening to what me + my friend were saying- and then you directed us to the tables in first class i got off at east croydon- tried…
I saw you, in the packages mall you were wearing glasses and wearing grey shirt I guess. On the grocery side. You were following me. Wherever I go you came there. I smiled and you smiled too you were trying to give number but…
I saw you, in the packages mall you were wearing glasses and wearing grey shirt I guess. On the grocery side. You were following me. Wherever I go you came there. I smiled and you smiled too you were trying to give number but…
I saw you, in the packages mall you were wearing glasses and wearing grey shirt I guess. On the grocery side. You were following me. Wherever I go you came there. I smiled and you smiled too you were trying to give number but…
Jij zat, ik stond, we luisterden allebei naar muziek en onze blikken kruisden elkaar een paar keer. Pas toen ik uitstapte op de bovenkerkerweg keken we elkaar echt in de ogen moesten we lachen. Ik zou graag weten wat je luisterde…
eu tava no forum sintra a fazer voluntariado à frente do pingo doce e vi um menino vestido de preto com o que eu acho ser o seu irmão, também de preto. os dois entraram com um carrinho pela entrada principal e eu estava lá a…
eastland hoyts - talk to me movie 06/8/23 (Ringwood) the would have been around 06/8/23cinema 8 the movie was "talk to me", you were sitting just outside on the red chairs. you were waiting for your dark haired friend. and me and…
We kept crossing paths in Aldi and each time we smiled and lingered. You were a blue eyed blonde in a short cream summer dress, and I was in a shirt and suit trousers. We kept smiling at each other. I wish I’d asked you for your…
Te vi… varias veces en el hotel, no soy de hacer estas cosas, incluso esta página no sabia que existía… despues compartimos avion San Pablo-Bs As el día 27 de Abril. Creo que sos de La Palta. Yo de Mar del Plata. Nos…
Bonjour vous êtes parti sans me dire au revoir. J'étais accompagnée d'un monsieur avec les cheveux blancs frisés tout blanc . Vous avez allume nos cigarettes m'avait proposé un verre que j ai refusé avec regret et vous…
We sat across from each other on the Tube from Camden Town leaving Desertfest. You had beautiful red hair, were touching up your makeup in the mirror, and accidentally kicked my foot: you had headphones in, and I was getting off…
I saw you in Buxton (UK) me and my friend were lost trying to find Lud’s cave, you told us you was going there too, we followed you for a while before you disappeared. I don't even know what your name was or where you're from…
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