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iSawYou News

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Site outage

Recently we experienced a partial outage for approximately 29 hours due to a server misconfiguration. We did not become aware of this problem until after the site had been partially down for several hours. We worked closely with our tech department to fix the problem and bring the site back up. I apologize to any of you who were inconvenienced by this mistake.

The good news is that we upgraded our servers to handle more traffic. Our site is growing as more people are discovering missed-connections as a great way to meet others. We're also getting more press, more mentions by bloggers and our social sharing grows daily. 

While our attempt to beef up our severs temporarily backfired we now have a much more robust platform on which to grow. There is plenty more exciting news coming, stay tuned.

Varen   one year ago   News 

Dark mode madness

Our goal was to bring all our members dark mode in our latest update. Unfortunately, there were some bugs we didn't catch before we released it to the public. We had to pull dark mode as an automatic feature until we work out the kinks. In the meantime, we added an option for you to use dark mode on your own. Look for the half-moon button at the top-right of your screen to toggle between dark and light modes but beware of the white flashes on some devices.

More soon.

Varen   one year ago   Development 

More updates and changes

We've just released a string of updates which cover a broad range of problems and issues. We also introduced some new features and tweaked some of our designs. One of the biggest changes is the introduction of Dark Mode. Now, iSawYou will color itself to match your system preferences regardless of what device you're using. No more painful jolt in bed when you wake up at four in the morning to check if anyone saw you on the metro yesterday. 😉

Another big change is the addition of Apple and Google sign-in. If you prefer to use one of these accounts instead of opening an account with us, you're in luck. As a bonus, if you're an Apple iCloud+ member you can use Hide My Email to connect with others without showing your real email address. No more Hotmail accounts needed!

Instead of showing ads we've introduced a donate option for those of you who care to support our efforts. We're a small development team with limited resources. Developing, testing and serving a site like iSawYou needs significant financial resources. Every little bit helps so if you're inclined please consider donating a few dollars to help. We really appreciate it!

Many smaller fixes have been made too. Profiles are greatly enhanced for visual affect and usability; we addressed posting issues involving location; enhanced our FAQ section; updated legal notices; fixed a bug that prevented users from connecting with each other via email; updated search to give better results and much more.

We'll continue to make updates all month so stay tuned. 

Varen   one year ago   Development   News 

What’s happening this week

We've had feedback from members about the display of member profiles. So this week, we're revamping them with a new design we've been developing over the past few weeks. The new member profiles are now live but there are several more updates we're planning to release very soon. One of them makes a major change in the layout and display of sightings. 

Currently, the “snapshot” is on the left of the sighting but in our new design we're making the profile pic of the sighting's author the pic on the left and will insert the snapshot pic into the body text of the sighting itself. 

More on this soon.

Varen   one year ago   Development 

August App Update

Hey there, lots of things have been happening at iSawYou this past month. Even though it's summer and we're choking on smoke from Canada, we keep chugging away at new features and bug fixes to the app. Did you know that we've been growing a lot since our launch. I'm not going to publish exact figures but things have really picked up since we launched this new version. You're now a part of it!

I want to call-out Florence1950 for pointing out an especially nasty little bug that affected some people trying to register. Thanks Florence1950!

I'l be back soon to discuss some new features and big changes coming to the site. 

Varen   one year ago   Development   News 

Soft Launch - Rough Landing

It's not easy launching a website these days. Long gone is the time when a (very) small team could tackle an ambitious project such as iSawYou. Yet, when you have no choice, you need to dig in and get it done! 

Our launch wasn't exactly without its bumps and we're sorry for the cookie notices and issues that cropped up for many users. We've spent the last couple of weeks plucking away at all the bugs, big and small, to smooth out the user experience and make the site work well. We've got a long way to go but I wanted to shoot off a quick update for those interested.

So to recap, we've fixed the perpetual cookie notification, fixed the broken location results for some users and made login and registering more reliable.  I'll keep you posted on future enhancements as they come.

Varen   one year ago   Development 

The new iSawYou is finally here!

It's been a long road but our time is finally here!

Welcome to the new site, and yes, we know it has its bugs but we hope you find it a huge improvement over the previous version.

Big Mike   one year ago   Development   News 

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