We were talking and I had red LEDs on. I took a blinker and the page opened up a link and I lost you. I somehow managed to find my way back to you but I accidentally clicked next because I was high. We had so much to talk about.…
We were talking and I had red LEDs on. I took a blinker and the page opened up a link and I lost you. I somehow managed to find my way back to you but I accidentally clicked next because I was high. We had so much to talk about.…
We smiled at eachother on the northern line tube going southbound in the last hour (Around 11.30pm). We were sitting opposite eachother. I got on at Camden Town and got off at London bridge, you stayed on the tube. We didn't…
On a dîné ce soir au restaurant au petit Suisse et on s'est regardé durant toute la soirée. Je suis sorti en espérant que tu me suives. Contacte moi si tu te reconnais. Tu es une belle blonde. J'ai la trentaine, cheveux noir…
(18/01/25) Te ví en El Tesoro, alrededor de las 4pm. Tenías el pelo anaranjado rojizo, creo que un top azul oscuro (not sure) e ibas caminando con lo que creo que eran tus papás, y tu papá llevaba un perro. Entraron a un local…
I was working, you were browsing with your friends, you started talking to my colleague and then me.. then you opened the packet of magnets.. and there was a post it note.. if you know its you, it’s you ;)
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