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Sighting (Missed-Connection) by L G Sighting

23 Mar 2024

😍 French Canadian man, Nov 2011, Opium Mar, Barcelona - missed connection

Can you help me?? I am hoping to find a (French) Canadian guy I met at Opium Mar, BARCELONA on 18 / 19 November 2011. I had been on my own due to an altercation with my then boyfriend who had left the club. A lovely Canadian guy appeared. We chatted, danced and he walked me to the metro after the club night ended. I walked away without exchanging details. I wish I could tell him, how he was right! He has such an unusual name, apparently influenced by his mother (who loved Greek and Egyptian history) and I had been unable to pronounce correctly and now impossible to remember. He had just finished a Masters in Barcelona and returning to Canada in December 2011. He is about 6’’, slim, handsome and then mid twenties/early thirties (I think). Perhaps you know him and can help us reconnect. A long shot, a miracle though nothing ventured nothing gained. Louise x

Dinner 😊



Sighting (missed-connection) CountryBarcelona Map

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