😍 Hilton Scottsdale Cavasson 2/23, hot tub/spa,missed connection w/Canadian father
We met on Sunday, 2/23 while you were with your son in the spa/pool at the Hilton Scottsdale Cavasson. You were traveling on business from Canada. You stated you were hoping to purchase a home in Scottsdale, and that you return approximately every 2 weeks.
Your son travels with you on your business trips. You grew up on a ranch, you had red swim trunks on, you were kind and engaging.
We talked about your interest in psychology, and that you watch YouTube videos while flying. We talked about my professional pursuits, my love of being on the water, and my frequent visits to Scottsdale from Tucson, with and without my boys. I wore a blue suit and have brown curly short hair.
I did not want to presume you were single, therefore I didn’t pursue, AND we had a visitor that continued to interrupt.
I immediately felt regret after you left with your son, for not outwardly expressing my interest. I wasn’t certain you were single, therefore I didn’t allow myself to believe you might have been interested. Kicking myself in the butt since.
I sincerely hope this makes its way to you, and that we can connect.
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