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Sighting (Missed-Connection) by Gloria Sighting

06 May 2024

😍 Larry Lortie, I am desperate to see you.

Everything happened, because you would not calm down, and said what you were going to do to Travis/or Dorin!! You didn’t even know what you were talking about and you wouldn’t listen. That time was not the time to talk, we had a meeting at school for the brat. I was getting her up to go, get us all ready to leave. And yes I know, I was gone, and yes I popped up like an arcade game trying to get back in…it would have been done and settled then. You not needing to know about it, no fights, no problems. Just a needed ending to a problem. You couldn’t leave me alone for just one night…to be right where you saw me? Couldn’t just hang back and leave me alone to be with my brat?? Yes I know….I left, and how wasn’t right….but only because you made it to where I would have too. You were waiting waiting waiting to catch me…..
Why!!!!???? For fucks sake….we had plans to take her to the conference wtf….couldn’t you have just pretended not to know? And waited tell our parental duties were done like a normal person and the brat out of the house so we could handle ít and you not so out óf control. Who the fuck does that shit àt a time like breakfast and getting ready for school?  What you did to me and what you were saying for no other reason than what you thought I was doing. I came home happy knowing I had done a good thing, ended a bad thing and was finally clear on what to do and had plans to talk and tell you when we got home. But noo…you had to be heard and seen how and when you wanted to be heard and seen. What you did,...what you said you would do to Travis/Dorin….and I couldn’t trust you not to. Could never live with that if you had kept your word and I had nó reason to doubt you and you backed ít up and tied it all nicely together so I had to believe you would because what you did…all of it. Larry, none of that had to happen. We hit some bumps, I just wanted to smoothe out the path ín front of us and I did. I was sorry for the ring thing…and hurting you or making you crazy. 😊 but we were,....😊 íñ the best way tho. You should have trusted that I wanted the best for my kids if nothing else and ñot some strung out mamas boy that had me supporting him the 9 years I did, í was done with doing that and I needed to be clear and I was…I came home knowing when I told you you would not like all of it but you wóuld have been happier everyone would have been adjusting here and there but all of us would have been better safe and secure in the way to move securely.  you didn’t even know what the fuck you were talking about!!!!!!??? Yóu wouldn’t even let me talk or say anything, and you had no right to say what you were saying to me or that I did any of that you were saying. You caught me off guard ill say that. I had one thing pictured in my head that night, coming home that morning. What you did when you knew not to do it I cóuld of handled and gotten over. What you saíd you were going to do….after what you did, I had to believe you. And í needed to take control back and couldn’t let you leave to calm down cuz you would have ran right into the person you threatened to kill. You know my go to was to fake call a d.v. in so you would stop and leave to cool down. But I had to come up with another plan to 1.  stop you from doing more to me, 2 not leave the house3 calm down inside instead of leaving because you could not be trusted and I could not live with you hurting someone for no reason other than seeing him when you were mad, í was nó match fór you,..and I needed to be in control to figure out a way to explain ,you calm down, get ready to go and ñó problems with yóu that morning. Í has no chóiçe cuz you were not gonna do more of that and you alsó were not gonna leave and in the end ...everyone would be safe and of úñderstanding. please, í need to see you, please I need tó talk to you. Í have looked and asked and í haven’t stopped. But I don’t know what I’m doing how to do that stuff,...yóu were a good man Larry,...aside from ur stupid jealousy but that was kinda cute to,, but damn you know ...,.overkill a bit. Don’t hate me I have more to explain, Jesus there was only one time I thought to myself omg,,..ím góing to have to shoot this idiot,...and it was when you would not give me your phone so I could call for an ambulance. I was scared, yóu put me in a plaçe where I had to scare you back,...but God dammit what kind of fucking nut rushes a person wíth à gun saying stay away from me? Íf you remember,...í gave another warning and you heard it thankfully in time fór your body to hear your brain that was so fucked up and close….please talk to me nothing will be right until i see or talk to you. Please Larry?

Sighting (missed-connection) CountryPortland Map

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10 May 2024
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