To the redhead on the Victoria line
I saw you yesterday, Friday 22 April, at around 4 p.m.
We were travelling southbound on the Victoria line. I noticed you kept looking at me, then I kept looking at you. We both changed at Stockwell for the Northern line; it was rather crowded. As the train reached my stop I remembered I’m an introvert and never knew how to start a conversation, so I just got off. “I will have forgotten by tomorrow”, I though to myself – but a day and a half later I’m still thinking about it. I’m even thinking that perhaps, to some degree, I might have hurt you.
I should’ve stayed on the train.
It feels a bit sad ending up having to do this, and I know the chances of you ever reading this message are very low. But if you do, I have a feeling it all will have been worth it.
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