Whole Foods Worker looking for Whole Foods Foodie Lady
You were walking into the store from the parking lot by the entrance and I said hi and welcomed you, then you stalked me in the back of the store? Then saw you again at the checkout lane before you were leaving and then you pointed out that you saw me in all these places and I acknowledged that they keep me busy everywhere while I loaded your groceries into paper bags.
ou really made a big impression with your powers of observation and you seemed like a real silly flirt with a pretty smile. Sadly, I’m guessing you must not be a regular local shopper here but I’m hoping and praying that one day you’ll come back and visit - eh, just not every day for months on end (because I couldn’t afford your shopping habits then!! hahaha! But the more you visit you would get to stalk me again though, so very bittersweet? 😊
I got very distracted by thinking about you the next morning I saw you and I got super lucky that I didn’t burn my house down by leaving the stove on after making some eggs… So please get in touch with me or visit so I don’t get arrested for arson and so we might just light a safer fire?! :D
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