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iSawYou is a powerful missed-connection utility.

11 months ago

😍  Schöne, fitte Deutsche mit dunklen Haaren im Iberostar Lanzarote letzte Woche

Wir haben uns letzte Woche jeden Tag gesehen, am Pool, im Fitnessstudio, beim Frühstück und Abendessen. Unsere Blicke trafen sich so oft, dass ich sicher war, dass wir uns gegenseitig anziehen. Du warst mit deiner Mutter…

Hände über dem Wasser

Flag of ESYaiza
11 months ago

😍  Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Gate F6

5 March 2024 Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Gate F6 Flight KL0539 (KLM) going to Kigali-Entebbe (Time 09:55). You had black hair, beautiful olive skintone, probably from India or something, with a brown coat, black tight jeans and…

Beginning of a Path....

Flag of NLAmsterdam
11 months ago

😍  Guy on the overground on in early March -

Curly-haired guy from the overground that I asked about Haggerston: sorry if you missed your stop? Maybe a longer chat sometime:) --Girl in the blue coat with book
Flag of GBLondon
11 months ago

😍  Chavo rubio de chinos muy definidos con playera calvin klein, de ojos verdes.

Te vi en las estacas a la hora del dj, te vi y me pareciste muy guapo, pero no se dio la oportunidad de hablar y cuando me tocaste el hombro varias veces te intente hablar pero no se puedo , ojalá te vuelva a ver. Yo no te estaba…

Una citaa

Flag of MXCuernavaca

😍  Chavo rubio de chinos muy definidos con playera calvin klein, de ojos verdes.

Te vi en las estacas a la hora del dj, te vi y me pareciste muy guapo, pero no se dio la oportunidad de hablar y cuando me tocaste el hombro varias veces te intente hablar pero no se puedo , ojalá te vuelva a ver. Yo no te estaba…

Una citaa

Flag of MXCuernavaca
11 months ago

😍  I want to meet this person!

There is a cute girl named Gabija who has blue eyes, blonde hair, and is 14 years old. she is like little angry in nature. She is um Gamer and watches anime lot. I am madly attached with that girl and I really want to find her. I…

I will gift that person some money and more.

Flag of IEDublin
11 months ago

😍  Chica que estaba en Salón Tenampa Garibaldi

Te busco, chica que estaba con dos personas mayores (creo que sus papás). Estábamos en la mesa de al lado y nos sonreímos mucho. Me encantó tu sonrisa, te miré una última vez antes de irme y me estabas viendo. Llevabas una…

Paseo y heladito :(

Flag of MXCiudad de México
11 months ago

😍  Handsome man grocery shopping

I saw you at King Soopers in Lakewood and we passed each other several times, just looking at one another and smiling… even after passing eachother we continued looking back at one another … I wish you would’ve asked me for…

Date night

Flag of USLakewood
11 months ago

😍  Coffee Shop In Nine Elms Vauxhall

Shared akward eye contact and smiles! Too nervous to say hello!

Coffee and Breakfast!

Flag of GBLondon
11 months ago

😍  Young man in record store

I saw you in a comic book/record store in Edinburgh today, afternoon. You were wearing a white baseball cap and white wired headphones. We both looked through the records for about half an hour next to each other. I'm the tall…

A record shopping date and a coffee?

Flag of GBCity of Edinburgh
11 months ago

😍  Josh & Erwin

We sat next to each other on the Ryanair flight from Marseille to Dublin on 22 March 2024 and met up again on our return to Marseille. You're English and I'm French. You were with your friend Erwin. We chatted (despite my poor…

Coffee in a beautiful city

Flag of FRMarseille
11 months ago

😍  Hot woman with black headphones at Jean Coutu pharmacy on Masson.

I noticed your sexyness at the pharmacy. You had headphones and I said I was hallucinating sick. I could only think about bed at the time but wished you were there too. Cute short wearing black I had a scarf on and dark orange ski…

We could road trip and have lots of fun .

Flag of CAMontréal
11 months ago

😍  10 seconds of happiness

Public transport, shared smiles, eye contact, both looked back.

Gold star

Flag of GBBrighton
11 months ago

😍  saw you at

There’s a very slim chance of this working, but I thought I’d give it a try. We

Let’s see where it goes…

Flag of GBLondon
11 months ago

😍  French Canadian man, Nov 2011, Opium Mar, Barcelona - missed connection

Can you help me?? I am hoping to find a (French) Canadian guy I met at Opium Mar, BARCELONA on 18 / 19 November 2011. I had been on my own due to an altercation with my then boyfriend who had left the club. A lovely Canadian guy…

Dinner 😊



Flag of ESBarcelona

😍  magnifique fille qui a discuter avec moi quand je promenait mon chien

j'espère que tu verra se message et que tu reconnaitra et que l'on pourrais se revoir et discuter je promenais mon dogue de bordeaux âgée quand tu est venue me parler en me disant qu'il étais super mignon et en me demandant sa…

resto boire un vert ou autre pour faire connaissance

Flag of FRLa Garenne-Colombes
11 months ago

😍  Qatar airways neighbor from Doha

You were sitting next to me. We had some sort of hot connection during the journey. If you are looking by fortunate chance contact me and let me know your bag color, the convo we had and the movie we watched/played to. You got…
Flag of INChennai
11 months ago

😍  We sat together at Totoro

We had a lovely chat and you came across as an absolute gem. Very much regretting I didn't ask for your number to carry on our conversation.

Coffee perhaps?

Flag of GBCity of London

😍  Gorgeous Little Person with Red hair in Hawkers Kitchen Caledonian Road

You came in and sat at the table next to me and my friend. I was the one in the green parka with spiky blonde hair. I caught your eye and smiled (I think!). You were super cute x

we can discuss this on the million to one chance it happens haha

Flag of GBLondon
11 months ago

😍  Cute black guy with a puffer jacket

To the cute black guy with a black cap and red and black puffer jacket who got on the district line at Whitechapel and got off at Mile End, you waved at me and I smiled back. I wish I’d got off the tube to talk to you…

Let’s grab a drink



Flag of GBLondon
M→W W→M M→M W→W Other

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