We shared a fair few glances on a packed train and got off at South Croydon at 1800 12/03/25. We walked in the same direction and split at the crossing. Pale plaid jacket, glasses. I had black puffer, black trousers, slicked…
Handsome tall guy, brown hair, tanned, traveling alone Eindhoven airport, Ryanair flight FR3531 coming from Mallorca Sunday 9 March arrival at 19:09 waiting for luggage, red suitcase. I saw you first thing when I entered the…
You made a comment about my sky-blue Samsonite case past security at Gatwick airport south terminal on 7th March. We chatted briefly whilst you were tying your shoe laces. I didn't know what else to say so just said 'have a good…
I was with my friends at In-N-Out when I saw you sitting in the corner with someone. I smiled at you and you smiled back, and I just felt something in that moment. I couldn't stop looking at you and I thought you were so freaking…
This is so stupid and unlikely to work, but here goes! We caught eyes for a few seconds and paused whilst shopping on a busy Saturday on the 8th March in Snoopers Paradise antique shop at around 2pm. You had long blonde hair, a…
You asked me my name for the cup and I gave an initial H.. I ordered Chai Latte and a few other things for the boy/girl with me. We looked at each other and there was a connection or recognition. We couldn’t speak about it.…
Hi! I don’t know if you’ll ever see this, but I figured I’d give it a shot. We crossed paths a few times in Wandsworth in September 2023, and I still think about the missed chance to actually talk :(. The first time I saw…
A ray of sunshine - you had dark hair, a white blouse, a black jacket and a silver necklace. I had to look at you several times and you reminded me of Nefertiti with your charisma and beauty. No mobile phone, no headphones. When I…
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