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10 Sightings within 50km MAP Post Sighting
6 hours ago

😍  Gorgeous guy at Eindhoven Airport WizzAir Priority Line

On Monday, January 27th, 2025, I was catching a flight to Varna at Eindhoven Airport. I was on the WizzAir priority line, which was messy as usual. So my friend who was travelling with me and I approached a guy to ask what the…

A warm hug

Flag of NLEindhoven
10 months ago

😍  Leuk gesprek op vlucht Napels-Eindhoven 8-4-24 17:25 Ryanair

We hadden een leuke klik. Je vertelde over je opleiding je liefde voor warme landen maar ook dat je het wel zag zitten te wonen in Lapland. Je bestelde een tonic in het Italiaans. Je moest door naar Utrecht…

Laten we Italiaans gaan eten!

Flag of NLEindhoven
one year ago

😍  Cute girl sitting in front of me in the bus.

I was sitting behind you wondering what language you were speaking and saw you looking over with a beautiful smile a couple of times. After we talked and you left the bus i got regrets about not asking for your snap or insta.

Drinks and a movie maybe

Flag of NLOss
2 years ago

bus ‘s-Hertogenbosch Oss treinstation

Due to rail disruption tussen ‘s-Hertogenbosch en Oss we had to take a bus, you sat behind me in the bus. You had blonde curly hair, big round eyes and wore a black coat, you also held a small bouquet of flowers with you. I have…


Flag of NLOss
2 years ago

Bolderman trip - Bolderman Reis

I’m looking for a girl that went on a 8 day holiday with her mother and father to Spain, using a dutch trip organization called Bolderman. I went on the same trip with my dad and we stayed in (Hotel Tahiti Playa) in (Santa…
Flag of NLZeeland
2 years ago

mooi Meisje op de kermis

je had blauw topje en 2 verschillende kleur haar je lachde hele tijd naar mij en mijn vriend toen volgde je ons voor een tijdje tot je bij een bankje was daarna heb ik je niet meer gezien
Flag of NLTilburg

Mooi meisje op de Kermis

Ik zag je in de reactor en toen volgde je ons voor een tijdje je had 2 verschillende kleuren haar zwart en oranje ook nog een blauw topje je lachde de hele tijd naar ons in de reactor en volgde ons toen naar een andere attractie…
Flag of NLTilburg
2 years ago

Blonde boy in De Efteling theme park

We were exchanging looks while smiling at each other in the queues for the rides, u were wearing a red T-shirt and I was the black hair girl in pink T-shirt and black pants, finally we couldn’t share a ride or smth and we…


Flag of NLKaatsheuvel
2 years ago

Blonde boy in De Efteling

We were smiling at each other whenever we met eyes and finally we couldn’t share a ride there, I thought maybe we could’ve talked or smth but I didn’t find you anymore:( You were wearing a red T-shirt while I was the black…


Flag of NLKaatsheuvel
about 3 years ago

Mutsmeisje bij café Sint-Gummarus, Lier

We zagen elkaar in de winterchalet, je stal mijn muts en mijn hart. De muts heb ik ondertussen terug.
Flag of BENeerpelt

Global Sightings

6 hours ago

😍  Gorgeous guy at Eindhoven Airport WizzAir Priority Line

On Monday, January 27th, 2025, I was catching a flight to Varna at Eindhoven Airport. I was on the WizzAir priority line, which was messy as usual. So my friend who was travelling with me and I approached a guy to ask what the…

A warm hug

Flag of NLEindhoven

😍  Cashier at Oseyo in Soho

I just thought you were cute, you were exactly my type and I wanted to compliment you on your style (tattoo, piercing and haircut) but I didn't have the courage to
Flag of GBLondon

😍  वाराणसी स्टेशन से महाकुंभ में मौनी अमावस्या के दिन झूसी स्टेशन तक साथ गए थे

महाकुंभ 2025 में मौनी अमावस्या के दिन वाराणसी स्टेशन से लगभग 2:30 बजे सुबह में झूसी स्टेशन तक…
Flag of INVaranasi
2 days ago
H - Starbucks Chai Latte Lady

😍  Bluewater/Greenhithe Starbucks Aug2024 for Barista/CM Served at me @ Coffee shop

You asked me my name for the cup and I gave an initial H.. I ordered Chai Latte and a few other things for the boy/girl with me. We looked at each other and there was a connection or recognition. We couldn’t speak about it.…
Flag of GBGreenhithe

😍  Beautiful Girl, I sat at next to at Auana show.

I met you last night at the Auana show in Honolulu. We sat next to each other and talked before the show. I feel like I missed a connection. Your from Minnesota and your mom lives in Ocala Florida.

My number and a date.

Flag of USHonolulu
3 days ago

😍  O2 Institute State Champs 26/02/2025

The girl with the long dark curly hair. You had a checked shirt around your waist, a black top and a hair band on your wrist. I rapped the bridge in Everybody But You to you because you didn't know it. We had a great time. You…

A drink/coffee

Flag of GBBirmingham

😍  I saw you in a bus in Rome - Hoping Our Paths Cross Again

Hey, I'm trying to find you! We took the same bus from Via Aurelia bus station to Cornelia and then the metro to Ottaviano. I was with my two friends, and you were with your family, I think. I made space for your grandpa on the…

Dinner on me.

Flag of ITRome

😍  Cute guy on Platform 4 at 5pm toward Epping

You sauntered past wearing a navy blue shirt, that showed off your nice back, dark jeans, with a dark knapsack and a white hard hat attached. You went to the very end of the platform where I continued to check you out until we got…

Dinner and drinks on me!!

Flag of AURedfern
4 days ago
H - Starbucks Chai Latte Lady

😍  Bluewater/Greenhithe Starbucks Aug2024 for Barista/CM Served at me @ Coffee shop

You asked me my name for the cup and I gave an initial H.. I ordered Chai Latte and a few other things for the boy/girl with me. We looked at each other and there was a connection or recognition. We couldn’t speak about it.…
Flag of GBGreenhithe

😍  Great Portland Street in the rain

It was raining, I was standing in the doorway of one of the buildings. I was wearing a navy coat and waiting for my friend to pick me up. I thought you were handsome and I would have loved to say hello.




Flag of GBLondon
M→W W→M M→M W→W Other

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