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17 Sightings within 50km MAP Post Sighting
one week ago

😍  Went to same open house

I saw you at a open house where we both showed up and thought the other was the realtor.


Flag of USHamilton
one week ago

😍  We met in line at Starbucks

E., We met briefly in line today at Starbucks. You were picking up an order for yourself, daughter and granddaughter (no cake pop). You seemed very nice, and I'd enjoy getting to know you. Hope we bump into each other again. M
Flag of USHavertown
3 months ago

🙏  Philly airport

E terminal outgoing flight to vegas your incoming flight to Philly, gorgeous blonde cowgirl hat jeans and stilletos maybe Louis Vuitton, we glanced at each other and had a affair in our minds. Please don't go! Xx
Flag of USPhiladelphia

😡  You loved black Ron 1st

How you been? Passer by at hessert Chevy. Your brother told me about your love for black Ron, I was just a blue collar business man, living the life and when it turned it flipped.
Flag of USPhiladelphia

😍  Ebony beauty Coco butter kisses

We were walking to the car the three of us and I got blasted by a punch with my lovelies, you took me to your place and cleaned me up, but the drama prevented the inevitable. Where are you now? Xx kisses forever
Flag of USPhiladelphia

😄  I street

I gave you and your girlfriend a ride off the ave lol, you needed to get to the get to your kids and some dude came outta nowhere and blasted me with a bunch.... What's your name?
Flag of USSouthampton

😄  iPhone ass

We carpooled to the southwest and discussed the iPhone. Xx
Flag of USSouthampton

😄  So we’re gonna smoke here

You ran to the dressing room during the ed sheerhan song antisocial and you got your vape we laughed and carried, you went back to work and forgot my address. Xx
Flag of USSouthampton
3 months ago

😍  Do you skip often?

I saw you walking so elegantly on 2nd Street Pike and your dark hair was shimmering off the sun light and blowing in the swift burst of wind and I shouted from a distance but you didn't run to me.


Flag of USSouthampton
4 months ago

😍  Gorgeous blonde I seen you and

Gorgeous blonde I seen you walking out of the coffee shop in Doylestown and when I turned around it's like the heavens opened and you disappeared. If you find me I cant give money but I can provide a lifetime of laughter happiness…
Flag of USUpper Southampton Township
4 months ago

😍  Voter pretty lady. I seen you and..

I saw you at the Southampton youth center on election day at about 1:15 walking out as I was walking in in a rush from the firehouse because I'm a westie like you on election day.
Flag of USUpper Southampton Township
7 months ago

😍  Handsome guy called me beautiful @ Walmart

Thursday night at Walmart we exchanged a few flirty glances then you went out of your way to approach me to tell me how beautiful you thought I was. I was completely caught off guard but incredibly flattered. I’d definitely have…


Flag of USBerlin
one year ago

😍  Gorgeous woman at the skate rink

You were wearing a brown body suit with a yellow jacket and I can’t get you off my mind. You were skating with a female friend. independence blue cross river rink.

Dinner and possible travel

Flag of USPhiladelphia
one year ago

😍  Witchy Chick at raising canes

I locked eyes multiple times with a brunette girl wearing a black t shirt, black skirt, fishnets and Wiccan designed socks and black boots. This was a few hours ago around 4-5pm august 6th. She was sitting across from me while I…

Spooky movie date

Flag of USBensalem
2 years ago

Sean: French Canadian American 17yr old, met on ski mt

Sean: 17, family moved from Quebec border to Pennsylvania five years ago, got his driver’s license last month, met last month at Blue Mountain Ski Area, hung out for an hour, fan of The Weeknd, family lives in Lille, and…

we could ski again

Flag of USPhiladelphia
3 years ago

Met you on thanksgiving day…

Your name starts with L and you are from TX. Your dad was at the gathering. You left early to go back to TX.
Flag of USCherry Hill
3 years ago

You had me at hi

I saw you tonight (June 3,2021) coming out of the Emergency room wing at Hershey Medical Center. I was standing outside with my daughter. You said hi and took your mask off and we said hi. I wanted to ask you if you were single…
Flag of USPhiladelphia
M→W W→M M→M W→W Other

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