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19 Sightings within 50km MAP Post Sighting
18 hours ago

😍  Starbucks, Snellville GA. Toyota Tundra Around 5 pm Mar 15

You sat at the table in front of me by the window at Starbucks. You were reading. Nodded at you when I was leaving. For some reason I returned to say hi, but you were gone. I’ve never been that brave. I was nervous at first and…

Coffee and hopefully an awesome connection

Flag of USSnellville
6 months ago

😄  Jordan from Chattanooga flex

I went looking for you to get your info after but missed ya reach out if want connect

Another experience

Flag of USAtlanta
7 months ago

👽  Girl sat next to me in B terminal at ATL

You were wearing a light red button-up shirt and black leggings. We chatted about our travel plans, I was flying to Nashville for work and you were headed to Buffalo then Canada for vacation with friends. Mizzou graduate. You had…


Flag of USAtlanta
9 months ago

👽  Name caiti, brown hair with blonde crown,

We met and began to, "date" before you left the place. I gave you my number but you never called me, so I figured you lost it possibly, or you just didnt want to talk. I really hope to reconnect with you and maybe talk about how…

meet up at park and chat for a few

Flag of USHome
10 months ago

😍  Atlanta airport April 16th: sweet American guy from Iowa then traveling to Italy

We chatted in the line while I was ordering a slice of pizza and some water (that you paid for! So sweet). You asked me where I was flying from (I was flying from France) and you told me you were flying to Iowa but that you would…

A visit of the south of France 😊?



Flag of USAtlanta
one year ago


I saw GWAR, did you? Masquerade in Atlanta, Georgia.


Flag of USAtlanta
one year ago

Monster Jam Hampton,GA

You parked behind me at Monster Jam today. I asked about the bleachers and we walked in together…your Son came over and said goodbye when you reached your section. You were a very nice gentleman.
Flag of USStone Mountain
2 years ago

Blond at Drivers Licence Office 7900 NW 27th Av

We were there April 28 around 12, I bought water behind you and I still believe your credit card was charged. I was about to talk to you again, didn’t know there was another exit. I have your smile in my mind. Please if…


Flag of USAtlanta
3 years ago

Atlanta Airport Customs Line - Thursday, January 6

We were both waiting in the long customs line on Thursday, January 6 at the Atlanta airport around 8:00 PM or so. You: Solo international traveler (like me), brown hair, black shorts, Nike tennis shoes, female aged 25-35, with a…
Flag of USAtlanta
3 years ago

Blonde girl getting the vaccine at Walgreens

We talked briefly at the Walgreens in Sandy Plains before each of us received our doses of the vaccine. I should have asked for your name and number before they called your last name (Fox) and you disappeared. If there is any…

A date night?

Flag of USMarietta

Blonde girl getting the vaccine at Walgreens

We talked briefly at the Walgreens in Sandy Plains before each of us received our doses of the vaccine. I should have asked for your name and number before they called your last name (Fox) and you disappeared. If there is any…

A date night?

Flag of USRoswell

Blonde girl getting the vaccine at Walgreens

We talked briefly at the Walgreens in Sandy Plains before each of us received our doses of the vaccine. I should have asked for your name and number before they called your last name (Fox) and you disappeared. If there is any…

A date night?

Flag of USRoswell
3 years ago

Tall, blonde at Popeyes

You and your son bought lunch and two cokes at Atlanta airport in your way to Philadelphia.  You had a penn state university backpack on.  I chatted with you briefly waiting in line a Popeyes and we both commented how…
Flag of USAtlanta
3 years ago

Attn: Delta Flight attendants. Have you seen her???

Met a beautiful young lady in May at the Hartsfield international Airport in Atlanta. She just so happen to be a delta flight attendant. She was tall and had beautiful long hair. She was also fluent in Deutsch or what we Americans…

Lunch or Dinner

Flag of USAtlanta
3 years ago

Chatroulette plants

Hey we chatted on Chatroulette you had alot of cool plants and wild stories and you asked me for my contact before we got disconnected.
Flag of USAtlanta
3 years ago

Saw you at Home Depot

We met each other’s eyes and I blew may chance to approach you. Hope I get a second chance to say hi.
Flag of USSmyrna

Saw you at Home Depot

We caught each other’s eyes and I blew my chance to approach you. Hope you see this and I can get a second chance to say hi.
Flag of USSmyrna
3 years ago

We saw each other on the plane it went from Salt Lake City to Atlanta

It was Friday April 9th 2021 and we flew from Salt Lake City to Atlanta you had a twin sister my snap is Cameronparodi add me

Your snap

Flag of USGainesville

We saw each other on the plane it went from Salt Lake City to Atlanta

It was Friday April 9th 2021 and we flew from Salt Lake City to Atlanta you had a twin sister my snap is Cameronparodi add me

Your snap

Flag of USAtlanta
M→W W→M M→M W→W Other

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